
Эффективность образования в молочной отрасли

The effectiveness of education in the dairy industry

On October 15 at the initiative of the Commission on Development of Rural Territories of the Public Chamber of Russia and PepsiCo held a round table. As a representative from our University at the meeting were the head of the Department of International Relations N.A. Rogozinskaya.

Песни и танцы народов мира

Songs and dances of the peoples of the world

Members of the international friendship club of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the KubSAU also took part in the XIII Krasnodar city festival of national cultures

День «чайника» – 2014

"Maker’s" day - 2014

In Krasnodar more than 20 thousand Kuban freshmen got a celebration of "Maker" day. In the parade on the Krasnaya street was attended by 25 universities.

Иностранных студентов поддерживают во всем

Foreign students are supported throughout

Foreign students studying in the Kuban SAU, was invited to a friendly meeting with representatives of the administration, the Federal migration service and the police  of the Krasnodar region.

La Sapienza снова в гости к нам

La Sapienza again to visit us

Our University has already become traditional visited Francesco Dzekka - assistant Professor of the Department of Economics and agricultural policy, lecturer of the Department of Management of the Roman University La Sapienza.

Гости из Японии

Guests from Japan

September 22, Kuban State Agrarian University was visited by guests from the Land of the rising sun.

Перспектива работы в «Клаас»

Job Outlook in "Klaas"

September 18, alternate HR Director of the Russian branch of the plant named after E. R. Detkova conducted an introductory meeting for students of the 1st and 2nd courses.