Monthly meeting of foreign students organized by international and external connections department was held in accordance with the foreign students social adaptation work in Kuban State Agrarian University on October 26.
Larisa Aglasheva, Head of the Centre for Work with Foreign Citizens, addressed students with an opening speech.
The event attended the following guest speakers Igor Slabodenyuk, counsel of Krasnodar regional department of Association of Russian Lawyers, Artem Yani, KubSAU sports and training centre deputy head, Elena Zhdanova, KubSAU library reference room supervisor, Kirill Sen, international friendship board chairman.
Guests’ speeches arouse students’ genuine interest and provided discussions. It is important to note regional department of Association of Russian Lawyers representative’s speech, who offered free legal assistance for foreign students.
The most interesting speech was made by the representatives of international friendship board who had recently visited international youth and student festival in Soshi. The speech was illustrated with different materials.
At the end of the event the international and external connections department made an anonymous survey for foreign students. The survey was aimed at getting information about foreign students’ problems with social adaptation in order to gain experience and further improving of social adaptation activities for foreign students.