Guests are always welcome at our university. The representatives of Bioresources and Natural Resources Management Academy of Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky visited Kuban State Agrarian University.
Among the delegates were Yuri Gerber, academic workdeputy director, Viktor Skripnik, dean of veterinary medicine faculty, Mikhail Krainyuk, dean of land management and geodesy faculty, and Andrey Gavrilenko, laboratory chief of engineering systems in agrobusiness chair.
The guests had a university excursion, during which Sergey Sidorenko, mechanization faculty dean told in details about KubSAU’s competitive advantages in the region. The delegates checked life conditions in dormitories, spoke to polyclinic №22 head physician about health services for students, visited sports centre and other interesting places.
The delegates met the rector, vice-rectors, and deans of Kuban SAU. Business talks on networking cooperation of educational institutions, students’ academic mobility and
scientific experience exchange were held at the university’s main building. The guests plan to visit Krasnodar Regional Agribusiness Institute within two days. The delegates are about to work hard in different spheres with KubSAU’s colleagues.