

For foreign citizens of the Preparatory department a scientific and educational excursion was conducted at the faculties of Plant protection, Agrochemistry and Soil science.

The Dean of the Faculty, Associate Professor Ivan Lebedovsky and his Deputy for educational work Mikhail Osipov showed them  the faculty material base, training laboratories and lecture halls. Professors  of  Phytopathology, Entomology and Plant protection departments Emilia Pikushova and Viktor Sokirko, Associate Professor Larissa Shadrina  told foreigners about plant's phyto-examination, its  methods and agro-industrial complex importance not only in our country but in the whole world.

They visited the Department of Organic and physicolloid chemistry, where Associate Professor Irina Dmitrievna and Senior Lecturer Natalia Makarova demonstrated to the  future students a visual qualitative reaction for protein detection.

The excursion ended with a story in English. A Post-graduate student Irina Matveeva told them about her  successful plant protector career.