

Representatives of economics department of our higher education institution have participated in the Czech-Russian business forum "Conference: possibilities of development of business partnership between firms of the Czech Republic and Krasnodar region". In Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Krasnodar region it was opened by the head of the organization Yury Nikolaevich Tkachenko. The purpose – assistance for development of bilateral trade and economic, investment communications of the Russian Federation and the Czech Republic.

Further the deputy minister of agriculture and processing industry of Krasnodar region Vadim Grigoryevich Prokopets has presented the main indicators of activity of agrarian and industrial complex of Krasnodar region and has invited to cooperation of the Czech businessmen.

Guests of conference became: ambassador of the Czech Republic in the Russian Federation Vladimir Remek, deputy minister of agriculture of the Czech Republic Yaroslava Benesh Shpalkova and executive director of Chamber of Commerce and Industry on the CIS countries Frantisek Masopust. They have reported to businessmen from Russia about opportunities of development of business cooperation with businessmen of the Czech Republic.

Within conference representatives of economics department of KUBSAU – the deputy dean for study, Cand.Econ.Sci., the associate professor of management and marketing Kalitko Svetlana Alekseevna and the assistant to the dean for the international activity, Cand.Econ.Sci., the associate professor of the organization of production and innovative activity Natalya Rafailovna Sayfetdinova have discussed possibilities of the international cooperation in the scientific and educational sphere with the ambassador of the Czech Republic in the Russian Federation, the deputy minister of agriculture of the Czech Republic, with the head of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Czech Republic on the CIS countries, the managers of leading companies of the Czech Republic occupied in the sphere of production of fertilizers (OA "AGRA GRUP"), agriculture (LLC AGRO Boskovstein), insurance of the export credits upon territorial and commercial risks (JSC Export Guarantee and Insurance Company).

The economics department of KUBSAU expresses gratitude to the management of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Krasnodar region and the Kuban SAU for the given opportunity to participate in the Czech-Russian business forum. Similar actions promote effective cooperation of business and education.