- Agrochemistry
- Administrative and financial law
- Anatomy, veterinary obstetrics and surgery
- Architecture
- Audit
- Biotechnology, biochemistry and biophysics
- Botany and fodder production
- Accounting
- Viticulture
- Mathematics
- Genetics, selection and seed-growing
- Geodesy
- Hydraulics and agricultural water supply
- Public and international law
- State and municipal administration
- Civil law
- Civil procedure
- Currency circulation and credit
- Land, labour and ecological law
- Land management and land cadastre
- Foreign languages
- Institutional economics and investment management
- Information systems
- History and political science
- Complex system of water supply
- Computer technologies and systems
- Criminalistics
- International private and business law
- Management
- Animal husbandry mechanization and life safety
- Microbiology, epizootology and virology
- Taxes and taxation
- Descriptive geometry and graphic
- General and irrigation agriculture
- Horticulture
- Organization of production and innovation activities
- Basis and foundation
- Parasitology, vetsanexamination and zoohygiene
- Pedagogy and psychology
- Fruit growing
- Soil sciences
- Applied ecology
- Application of electric energy
- Processes and machinery in agrobusiness
- Farm animal breeding and zootechnologies
- Crop science
- Material science and machines repair
- The Russian language and communication
- System analysis and information processing
- Strength of materials
- Sociology and cultural studies
- Statistics and applied mathematics
- Construction industry
- Building materials and construction
- Construction and water object management
- Accounting theory
- Theory and history of state and law
- Therapy and pharmacology
- Livestock products storage and processing technology
- Plant products storage and processing technology
- Tractors, cars and technical mechanics
- Criminal law
- Criminal proceeding
- Management and marketing
- Physical education
- Physics
- Physiology and biochemistry of plants
- Physiology and feeding of agricultural animals
- Philosophy
- Finances
- Phytopathology, entomology and plant protection
- Chemistry
- Private animal husbandry and pig breeding
- Economy and Foreign Economic Affairs
- Business economics
- Economic analysis
- Economic cybernetics
- Economic theory
- Operation of machine and tractor park
- Electric machines and motor drives
- Electric engineering, thermotechnics and renewable energy sources